Heart Attacks
Heart attacks

Cardiac events are a prime source of injury and death in
emergency services. They are attributable to levels of physical fitness and
dehydration primarily. Physical fitness is a no-brainer provided you attain it
in a responsible manner. A good workout routine will promote flexibility,
endurance and strength equally and not push the body to exhaustion or
failure. We self-ingest caffeine, energy drinks and protein supplements in
our efforts to remain awake and enhance our physical and mental performance; at
what cost? Caffeine is a diuretic; it virtually guarantees a state of
dehydration. Both caffeine and other substances present in energy drinks
override the body’s protective mechanisms and can/do push your cardiovascular
system beyond its ability, occasionally causing chest pain, arrhythmia or
stroke. Protein supplements require proper hydration to prevent kidney damage,
in a firefighting or any high heat, high stress situation you can easily
cause yourself permanent damage, or even death when using these supplements
while on duty if you are not careful. AP
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